Peter York - Provocations: Authenticity Is a Con download book EPUB, DJV, FB2
"Authentic" has become the buzzword of our age. But, as Peter York has discovered, its meaning has changed and become corrupted. It is now practically impossible for us to differentiate between authentic and "authentic."Peter York is a broadcaster, journalist and management consultant. He was style editor of "Harpers& Queen "for ten years.", The idea of authenticity - deliciously vague and as ubiquitous as Starbucks - has hit the spot in almost every sector of 21st-century life. 'Authentic' has become the buzzword of our age. But, as Peter York has discovered, its meaning has changed and become corrupted, it would now appear practically impossible for us to differentiate between authentic and 'authentic'.
"Authentic" has become the buzzword of our age. But, as Peter York has discovered, its meaning has changed and become corrupted. It is now practically impossible for us to differentiate between authentic and "authentic."Peter York is a broadcaster, journalist and management consultant. He was style editor of "Harpers& Queen "for ten years.", The idea of authenticity - deliciously vague and as ubiquitous as Starbucks - has hit the spot in almost every sector of 21st-century life. 'Authentic' has become the buzzword of our age. But, as Peter York has discovered, its meaning has changed and become corrupted, it would now appear practically impossible for us to differentiate between authentic and 'authentic'.