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The Short Oxford History of English Literature provides in a single volume a comprehensive beginner's guide to the literature of the British Isles from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day.Now established as the leading introduction to English literature, separate chapters trace the development from Beowulf to the 'post-modern' fictions of Seamus Heaney and Angela Carter. The History provides detailed discussion of Old and Middle English Literature, the Renaissance, Shakespeare, theseventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Romantics, Victorian and Edwardian literature, Modernism, and post-war writing. Discussions of key writers and works from Anselm and Chaucer to Spencer and Bunyan, and from Swift and Johnson to Dickens and D.H. Lawrence, are combined with analysis of theimpact on literature of contemporary political, social, and intellectual developments. The History looks again at the canon of English literature and provides a fresh assessment of the distinctive contribution of Scottish, Irish, and Welsh writers, and it asks about the future of the canon in thelight of the fragmented condition of British writing in the post-imperial period. This revised edition includes for the first time detailed, chapter-by-chapter guidance on further reading.Lively, accessible, and up-to-date, The Short Oxford History of English Literature will be an invaluable source for general readers and a key textbook for sixth-form students, first year undergraduates, and foreign students of English literature.

The Short Oxford History of English Literature by Andrew Sanders read online book PDF, FB2

Through these complementary processes, literature engages in its own distinctively literary forms of value inquiry."In this book, Mathias Albert develops an ambitious theoretical framework that describes world politics as a specific social system set within the wider political system of world society.The Triumph of the Moon is the first full-scale study of the only religion England has ever given the world--modern pagan witchcraft, otherwise known as wicca.From the miniature books they made as children to the walking sticks they carried on hikes on the moors, each possession opens a window onto the sisters' world, their beloved fiction, and the Victorian era.Through this engagement, Rai claims, vital new political spaces have been created.This important book, which remains as illuminating now as when it first appeared, will interest those interested in philosophy and aesthetics and Pater specialists alike., Wolfgang Iser's study of Walter Pater (1839–94) was first published in German in 1960.As Peet remarks in his first lecture, his aim is to persuade Old Testament scholars that 'Egyptian literature is worthy of far more attention 
 than it has hitherto received'.It concerns Mary Barton, a mill worker s daughter eager to rise through the ranks, and her father, who shoots dead the mill owner s son.Book jacket., Hölderlin (17701843) is the magnificent writer whom Nietzsche called my favourite poet.REA's AP study guides are teacher-recommended and written by experts who havemastered the course and the test., REA's TESTware edition of AP U.S.The selections represent major theoretical schools of thought for addressing research questions in comparative politics, giving students a clear sense of how thinkers differ in understanding the causes of major events in world politics.Mark A. Graber both explores and offers original answers to such central questions as: What is a Constitution,?