Download ebook FAO Species Catalogue for Fisheries Purposes: Deep Sea Cartilaginous Fishes of the Indian Ocean by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations EPUB, MOBI, DOC
9789251079676 9251079676 The present guide covers the deep sea Indian Ocean, primarily FAO Fishing Areas 51 and 57, and that part of Area 47 that extends from Cape Point, South Africa to the east, e.g. the extreme southwestern Indian Ocean. It includes a selection of species of major, moderate and minor importance to fisheries as well as those of doubtful or potential use to fisheries. It also covers those little known species that may be of research, educational, and ecological importance. This publication is in a special plastified format, ideal for onboard ships and fishing vessels.", The present guide covers the deep-sea Indian Ocean, primarily FAO Fishing Areas 51 and 57, and that part of Area 47 that extends from Cape Point, South Africa to the east, e.g. the extreme southwestern Indian Ocean. It includes a selection of species of major, moderate and minor importance to fisheries as well as those of doubtful or potential use to fisheries. It also covers those little known species that may be of research, educational, and ecological importance. This publication is in a special plastified format, ideal for onboard ships and fishing vessels., This volume is a comprehensive, fully illustrated Catalogue of the Deep sea Sharks of the Indian Ocean, encompassing FAO Fishing Areas 51 and 57, and that portion of Area 47 off South Africa from about 18 42'E to 30 00'E. The present volume includes 8 orders, 23 families, 46 genera, and 117 species of shark like fishes occurring in the Indian Ocean deep sea. It provides accounts for all orders, families, and genera and all keys to taxa are fully illustrated. A species representative account of each genus is also provided and includes: valid modern names and original citation of the species; synonyms; the English, French, and Spanish FAO names for the species; a lateral view and often other useful illustrations; field marks; diagnostic features; distribution, including a GIS map; habitat; biology; size; interest to fisheries and human impact; local names when available; a remarks sections; and literature. The volume is fully indexed and also includes sections on terminology and measure, This volume is a comprehensive, fully illustrated catalogue of the Cartilaginous Fishes of the Indian Ocean, encompassing FAO Fishing Areas 51 and 57, and that portion of Area 47 off South Africa from about 18ê42'E to 30ê00'E. The present volume includes 8 orders, 23 families, 46 genera, and 117 species of shark-like fishes occurring in the Indian Ocean deep-sea. It provides accounts for all orders, families, and genera and all keys to taxa are fully illustrated. A species representative account of each genus is also provided and includes: valid modern names and original citation of the species; synonyms; the English, French, and Spanish FAO names for the species; a lateral view and often other useful illustrations; field marks; diagnostic features; distribution, including a GIS map; habitat; biology; size; interest to fisheries and human impact; local names when available; a remarks sections; and literature. The volume is fully indexed and also includes sections on terminology and measurements for sharks including an extensive glossary, and a dedicated bibliography.
9789251079676 9251079676 The present guide covers the deep sea Indian Ocean, primarily FAO Fishing Areas 51 and 57, and that part of Area 47 that extends from Cape Point, South Africa to the east, e.g. the extreme southwestern Indian Ocean. It includes a selection of species of major, moderate and minor importance to fisheries as well as those of doubtful or potential use to fisheries. It also covers those little known species that may be of research, educational, and ecological importance. This publication is in a special plastified format, ideal for onboard ships and fishing vessels.", The present guide covers the deep-sea Indian Ocean, primarily FAO Fishing Areas 51 and 57, and that part of Area 47 that extends from Cape Point, South Africa to the east, e.g. the extreme southwestern Indian Ocean. It includes a selection of species of major, moderate and minor importance to fisheries as well as those of doubtful or potential use to fisheries. It also covers those little known species that may be of research, educational, and ecological importance. This publication is in a special plastified format, ideal for onboard ships and fishing vessels., This volume is a comprehensive, fully illustrated Catalogue of the Deep sea Sharks of the Indian Ocean, encompassing FAO Fishing Areas 51 and 57, and that portion of Area 47 off South Africa from about 18 42'E to 30 00'E. The present volume includes 8 orders, 23 families, 46 genera, and 117 species of shark like fishes occurring in the Indian Ocean deep sea. It provides accounts for all orders, families, and genera and all keys to taxa are fully illustrated. A species representative account of each genus is also provided and includes: valid modern names and original citation of the species; synonyms; the English, French, and Spanish FAO names for the species; a lateral view and often other useful illustrations; field marks; diagnostic features; distribution, including a GIS map; habitat; biology; size; interest to fisheries and human impact; local names when available; a remarks sections; and literature. The volume is fully indexed and also includes sections on terminology and measure, This volume is a comprehensive, fully illustrated catalogue of the Cartilaginous Fishes of the Indian Ocean, encompassing FAO Fishing Areas 51 and 57, and that portion of Area 47 off South Africa from about 18ê42'E to 30ê00'E. The present volume includes 8 orders, 23 families, 46 genera, and 117 species of shark-like fishes occurring in the Indian Ocean deep-sea. It provides accounts for all orders, families, and genera and all keys to taxa are fully illustrated. A species representative account of each genus is also provided and includes: valid modern names and original citation of the species; synonyms; the English, French, and Spanish FAO names for the species; a lateral view and often other useful illustrations; field marks; diagnostic features; distribution, including a GIS map; habitat; biology; size; interest to fisheries and human impact; local names when available; a remarks sections; and literature. The volume is fully indexed and also includes sections on terminology and measurements for sharks including an extensive glossary, and a dedicated bibliography.